ACE Program Recipients
The Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment (ACE) educational savings account program provides funds for students and families to use on various enrichment and educational activities, including tutoring, day camps, music lessons, study skills services and field trips.
The Great Trail Council is an approved educational service provider to receive funds from Ohio ACE educational service accounts.
See our listing at
Or click here to read the listing:
Great Trail Council, Boy Scouts of America
Category: Before/After School Programs, Camps and Field Trips
Category: Before/After School Programs, Camps and Field Trips
This service provider requires payment upfront : No
Phone Number: (330) 773-0415
Address: 4500 Hudson Dr, Stow, Ohio 44224
Scouting’s Major Programs include: Cub Scouts: Boys and Girls (Kindergarten through Grade 5): The Cub Scout Advancement Plan is designed to encourage the natural interests and curiosity of youth. Each Adventure and corresponding Award has requirements. As a child moves through the Adventures, requirements get progressively more challenging, matching a child’s growing skills and abilities. In 2021, Great Trail Council Cub Scouts earned more than 2,100 Rank Advancements. Scouts BSA: Boys and Girls (Grades 6 through Age 18): The Scout Rank Advancement Plan pursues a series of challenges and steps to travel the Rank Advancement System. Each Scout works an action plan, at their own pace, as they navigate each challenge. Scouts obtain a sense of self-confidence and achievement. Along the way Scouts also gain self-reliance and the ability to help others. Scouts also earn Merit Badges as they advance. Merit Badges are earned by completing a series of activities and requirements within an area of study (First Aid, Cooking, Citizenship, Entrepreneurship, etc.) Scouts can select from more than 135 Merit Badges; 21 Merit Badges are required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank. More than 85% of Scouts BSA merit badges include requirements that meet National Science Education Standards. Academic development is clearly leveraged through the benefits of Scouting participation. Outdoor Impact on Developing Youth: A Harvard Medical School Health Publishing Blog recognizes that outdoor experiences impact a “child’s chance of future health and success”: • Executive Function- Outdoor activities afford opportunities for children to practice important life skills with other children including planning, prioritization, troubleshooting, negotiating, and multitasking; • Exercise- Active Play is the best exercise for children; • Taking Risks – Enhance confidence and bravery in taking safe risks; • Socialization – Learning to share and cooperate in less structured settings enhances socialization; • Appreciation of Nature – Engaging nature creates appreciation for preserving our planet and its resources; • Sunshine – Vitamin D and other benefits to the immune systems, healthy sleep, and mood.
Update August 2024
Great news! Families who have been awarded funds from the Afterschool Child Enrichment Education Savings Account program (ACE) have more time to spend their money. The deadline for families to spend funds was previously July 1, 2024 and has now been extended to September 1, 2025.
Please note that the ACE program is fully subscribed, and no more accounts may be awarded. The extension applies to families with existing accounts only.
As a participating ACE Qualified Education Service Provider, you will be required to renew your listing in July to remain in the ACE Education Marketplace, which includes reviewing recent program changes and agreeing to the current guidelines and background check policies. Please stay tuned for more information.
Please visit the Ohio ACE Help Center for more information.
Update February 2024
Expenditures for reimbursement must be made before July 1, 2024 (extended to 2025, see note above)
ACE Update
The Afterschool Child Enrichment (ACE) educational savings accounts were established in 2021 to assist Ohio children with their recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of Ohio families have benefitted from access to programs and services that helped their children reengage with their education and accelerate learning.
The federal funds to operate the project are scheduled to expire later this year. As a result, all funds used for Afterschool Child Enrichment activities (BSA registration fees) must be used no later than July 1, 2024. This mean dates of registration no later than July 1, 2024. All Claims for ACE payments for reimbursement must be submitted to Merit no later than July 15, 2024.
Claims for day camps (Cub Scout Day Camp, or Scouts BSA Camp) that have been fully paid for by Parent/Guardian may be reimbursed if the service date occurs through September 1, 2024. The claim must be submitted no later than July 15, 2024 and paid for prior to July 1, 2024.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ohio ACE for further explanation.
As part of the qualifying process you will need a receipt to document your fun camp experience at one of Great Trail Council's Camps
Below are the receipts for families participating in the ACE Ohio program. Please be careful to select the correct receipt; Day Camp, Webelos Camp or Scouts BSA Summer Camp, to submit for reimbursement.
If you select Webelos Camp or Scouts BSA Summer Camp, these programs are only partially reimbursable. You are not able to be reimbursed for any overnight fees, as overnight camps are not part of the “legislative guidance”. We’ve worked with the state to allow for reimbursement for the day time portion of the fees as specifically documented.
When filling out the Webelos or Scouts BSA form, please be sure to do so correctly to have the best chance of reimbursement. For the day camp portion of your fees subtract the amount of over night fees listed on the invoice from your total camp fees. In the total box of the invoice it should say the total amount paid for your Scout’s Summer Camp experience. For Scouts BSA Camp, please be sure to list any merit badge fees separately (those should also be reimbursed). Please see examples below.
Download and use these receipts
Day Camp Receipt - Cub Scouts - rising 2nd through 4th graders
To see the available dates for this camp visit

Use this receipt to request your registration fees.

Cub Scout Resident Camp (2025)
Webelos/AOL Resident Camp
Scouts BSA Summer camp
If you need a receipt to submit to ACE for Cub Scout Resident Camp (2025), Webelos/AOL Resident Camp, or Scouts BSA Summer Camp, please email the information below to We will create a receipt and email it to you.
Scout’s Name
Troop Number
Name and address of the parent who made the registration
Event your Scout attended
Dates your Scout attended the event